Kamis, 30 Januari 2014

Suwe Ora Jamu Gong Xi

Hello Fellows :)

Happy Chinese New Year!

Some of you may be asking what is the connection of my post title, between Suwe Ora Jamu (Javanese) + Gong Xi (Chinese). Well, Suwe Ora Jamu that I write isn't a sentence but a place. Yes! Suwe Ora Jamu is a Jamu (Indonesian Traditional Drinks) Cafe, served with modern touch taste and vintage atmosphere. I was very happy when Kak Bintang (check her blog here) asked me to accompany her to do a photo session there. We were having a fun time! As I said before (modern touch taste), Suwe Ora Jamu isn't only serving hot drinks but also the cold ones just like I had tried, Green Tamarind (mustard greens mixed with tamarind) and unexpectedly it tasted really good! Speaking of good things, the photos turned into good pictures. Ah,thank you so much Kak Bintang ^^ Please invite me more to do a collaboration ya :))

For those who interest with Suwe Ora Jamu Cafe, you can visit :
Suwe Ora Jamu Cafe
Jl. Petogongan No. 28, Kramat Pela, Gandaria Utara, Kebayoran Lam
(021) 72790590
Mon - Sun 10:00 - 22:00

So,where is the "Gong Xi" part of this post?

You can find out by read this full post + experience in Suwe Ora Jamu + the details here :


Mega Mendung 3D Batik Spiked Blazer : RAVIAGUSTIANA's //
VIP t shirt : BaNaNa //
Gold Knight Ring : RainbowSpell Shop //
Customized Clear Sole Boots : Fairy Berry.
and here it is the "Gong Xi" part.....well with a little it melancholy part I guess

Untuk yang merayakan Hari Tahun Baru Cina, saya mengucapkan "GONG XI FA CAI! Wishing you a wonderful and prosperous new year with lots of happiness."



Senin, 27 Januari 2014

LUKIE BEAT Live in Concert, Indonesia 2014 (PART1/2).

Hello Fellowsss..!
Long time no see, Long time no see..

Ah, been busy with stuff, you know, playing here, playing there..
But nobody asked me for being played (wtf??!)

I wanna tell you that I was very happpyyy that I could received the opportunity to be MC at LUKIE BEAT Live in Concert (January 18th & 19th). Yippiiiiii!! Before I start telling my story, I'm going to tell you what LUKIE BEAT is.

So, LUKIE BEAT is a collaboration concert between LUNAFLY (Korean Band) & LC9 (Korean Boyband). Well, LUNAFLY is a group of 3 men : Yun, Teo and Sam. Their fans are called LUKIE.

And LC9 members are Rasa, Jun, Ao, J-Hyo, King & Eden.

Based on the name, LC9 (League of Champions 9), they will be 9 members boyband. 3 members left are still on process. Their fans are called LOVE BEAT. So, LUKIE BEAT is LOVE BEAT mixed with LUKIE.

So, I was chosen as MC with my friend, (@erudhio1127) for Press Conference, Fan Meeting, Dinner (January 18th) and for the main event, LUKIE BEAT concert (January 19th).

credit : koreanindo
I wore all black outfit for the Press Conference., with Gold touches on my necklace. I had got a lot of nervous when the Press Conference,because this was the first time I faced media (press) as an MC. But Erdhio Hyung helped me a lot. And I was getting better and calm when the Fan Meeting & Dinner.
Check out my photos while fan meeting including my outfut details from Press Conference & Fan Meeting session here :

with Erdhio Hendri

with LUNAFLY's Yun

Black Blazer : (X)S.M.L // Gold chain short necklace : Whole Sale Accessories //
Gold Chain long necklaces : EUSTACIA & CO // Customized Plastic Shoes : CASE Shoes.

After the press conference then fan meeting was over, it's around 4-5 pm, I had about 3-4 hours for costume change, having lunch and other preparation while LUNAFLY & LC9 were heading to media promotion (TV & Radio in Jakarta).

It's about 7pm, I had my outfit changed in to something casual because Gala Dinner was only for invitation (selected fans). Here they are the photos that were taken at that time :

backstage selfie with AO, the youngest member from LC9

backstage selfie with Erdhio Hyung

Eden, Jun, Me & J Hyo

backstage selfie with Teo

Denim Shirts : UNIQLO // Brown Chinos : COLE Jeans // Pierced Ring :  RainbowSpell // Customized Shoes : FAIRY BERRIES // A necklace : CRNVL // Red Sweater : Erdhio's.

I'm going to make my LUKIE BEAT Jakarta in 2 parts, because it was too long for one post. See you on LUKIE BEAT Live in Concert, Indonesia 2014 (PART2/2) update with some backstage stories exclusively.



Rabu, 15 Januari 2014

Get Me Some Yellow Tan

Hello Fellows :)

How are you doing?
I hope you are all doing fine, cause you know the weather is changing like a girl changes her clothes :p
So, don't forget to wear your warmest clothes and choose a color that represents summer/spring theme!


Yellow Tan Jumper : UNIQLO // "A" necklace : CRNVL (Carnival Clothing Line) //
LOTSO rubber fatwristband : JAKARTA WRISTBAND (@jakwristband) //
ROCSTAR (PS : it's spelled right :p) snapback : Rainbowspell Shop // Yellow Tan shoes : SerbaSepatu

Jumat, 10 Januari 2014

Love Me Some Navies

Hellow fellows :))
Looks like the navy print is going to be hit for some guy trend... I know that the trend had been started since 2013, but hey, it's still dopeyyy! And you can find a lot of navy-printed shirts these days..
So here I am wearing my Navy-Printed Shirts

You can try different look by rolling up your sleeves :)) Have a nice try of your navy-printed shirts..

Navy-Printed Shirts SUR Club 1976 // Blue-Navy Chinos ZARA Man Basic // Broken White Bow Tie Unbranded // White Watches Unbranded // Customized Shoes by Fairy Berries

Jumat, 03 Januari 2014

#FridayNostalgic FAME Launching Party

Hello Fellows :)

Happy New Year!!

2013 had already passed, we're stepping on 2014 already..
Udah 3 hari ya kita berada di tahun 2014 ini, have your resolutions been started yet?
Well, my resolutions this year are always be positive, be happy and stay for being who I am.

And, this year, I'm going to start posting my stories to the blog from the past, It's going to be called : #FridayNostalgic.
Which will be posted every Friday (hopefully I could make it happen.. hehehe). Considering my bad memory, so I could read my stories from my blog too.. Blog is an online diary, isn't it?

So...the first #FridayNostalgic is going to be FAME launching party. Yes, FAME is First Lady Gaga's perfume. FAME itself has its own unique side, which is black fluid. FAME is the first Black Perfume ever.

Di Indonesia sendiri, FAME akan di luncurkan pada 14 November 2012, bertempat di METRO Pondok Indah Mall, Jakarta. Selain acara peluncuran, Haus Laboratories juga ingin mengadakan kontes foto bergaya ala Lady Gaga sebagai Campaign of FAME itself, which was themed BLACK.

The photo competition divided into 3 parts : CHIC, SEXY and CRAZY. And yes, as A Little Monster (LadyGaga fans), I joined this. The hardest part of it wasn't the preparation (the costume or the photoshoot) but choosing which one my photo was gonna fit in, was it CHIC, was it SEXY or was it CRAZY?
 *click read more to see my photos*
 inspired by
Gaga's Orbit Headpiece photo credits taken from Elle Show

Finally, after discussing with my little monster friends, I choosed CRAZY theme.

And I was chosen as Big Ten of CRAZY theme photos.

I was so happy I could die, cause I could be a part of Gaga's Event which was held in Indonesia. I met my little monster friends from Born This Wall Ball cancellation event. It felt like a reunion.

Backstage Selfie :p

After being judged, I was chosen as the BIG five from the Crazy Theme costume.

yeay! the winners (the Big FIVE) were going to get 100ml FAME perfume and METRO Dept. shopping voucher worth IDR 1.000.000k

Thanks to Metro Dept. // LadyGagaIDcom // and Haus Laboratories

Shirts Customized by ravi// Gold Mask Customized by ravi// Four Fingers gloves made by ravi// Thunder belt made by ravi// Head piece made by ravi inspired from Gaga's Orbit Headpiece// accessories by RainbowSpell shop// studded sunglasses by RainbowSpell shop// Shoes customized by ravi