Senin, 31 Maret 2014


Halo Everyone!!!

Finally, I've got my time to write on my blog and to change my blog too.. Yap, if you realize that my URL has changed from :
> ; into
Ok, the main reason why I changed it was because that using my full name would be classy, no alias and I hope people can remember it easily :)

About the background, in order to support the classy and simple, so I made a Black-White Box (looks like a chessboard, doesn't it?). But since simple isn't completely written in my self, then I add some glamorous touch with Gold Lions ; symbolize of my horoscope, Leo ; that I found from :)

Do you notice anything else changed?

Yes, the header. The header it self was made by my self too with google and other artists helps of course :D
So I still used the chessboard as the background of the header but it doesn't have gold lions on it but I add a Versace circle with Lion Head (well, I actually I want to make it gold, but I don't know how, so It's still black). And I add a what is it called umm, I totally forgot, but it's from Egyptian (I adore Egypt incase you didn't know) and put my initial R for Ravi and A for Agustiana.
So what do you think of my blog new look?
Leave your thought of it in comment section below, ok?


Sabtu, 15 Maret 2014

First Birthday's Gift from Classmates Evolution!!!

Hey Fellows :)

How are you doing?
I hope you guys are doing well..
Me? Well,right now I'm having a romantic relationship with SKRIPSI.. (well said)

So, in order to you know having a distraction from this complicated relationship, I was trying to remember happy memories from being a student in campus. One of 'em is getting a birthday gift.
I have this tradition with class mateys when someone is having his/her birthday, then we give em a surprise gift that fundamentally gathered  by us (except the birthday person).

I got a pair of shoes. They were really comfy till the time took it all :(

FYI, I'm kind of people who believe that a thing (whether it's clothes or anything) which is given by other people to us is contain pray, memory and love. So, I'm going to keep it forever as I can. But this time is special cause I'm gonna try a #DIY for my first Birthday Gift.. Check 'em out!!


The process was so easy (I'm doing this while having my rest-session from my relationship). Just attach some spikes or another shining attachment the shoes area with hot glue, but I suggest you to attach it on the outside area..

After attaching the spikes, and the last touch is to pair em with a color block shoe lace :D

And the results are...........................................

So, what do you think about this time #DIY session? Well I hope y'all like it and can do it yourself too like this at home :) Leave a comment below if you guys are having a question or already tried your own #DIY



Little Chef Monsters Hoodie : Bloopendorse //
T-shirt : Tex Man // 3/4 Washed Grey Jeans : Nevada Jeans //
Peace Symbol Necklace : RainbowSpell Shop //
Patrick Ring : RAVI AGUSTIANA's DIY //

Jumat, 07 Maret 2014

the R necklace

Heyyy fellows :D

Maybe some of you have already red my R necklace DIY project (if you haven't please cllik this link) that I only posted only the process..

And now, I want to introduce you "the R necklace", check this out :


Vintage Chain Blazer : L'INVITEE //
the R necklace : RAVI AGUSTIANA's DIY //
Gold Fingers Ring : Wholesale Acc Shop // Gold Hatted Skull Ring : Rainbowspell Shop //
Black Mix Studded Bracelet : Monday Market (lol) //
Customized Boots : Fairy Berry