Rabu, 24 September 2014


Hey guys! Whaddup..?!

Have you ever heard about the Euphoria? If you haven't,let me tell you a lil bit about it (sepengetahuan gue ya :p) Jadi Euphoria itu sebuah organisasi yang di bentuk sama Keenan Pearce (yap,he is Pevita Pearce's brother) yang berbasiskan *berat betul bahasanya* Art, Fashion & Lifestyle. Lengkapnya bisa kalian baca di facebook Jakarta Euphoria Project

Nah,kali ini Euphoria Project ngadain event yg berjudul "EUPHORIA PROJECT x TRIBECA OVER POP UP" berlokasi di Central Park Mall,Jakarta tanggal 9 - 14 September 2014

Sebelumnya,Euphoria juga sukses bikin acara Jakarta Euphoria Project di Grand Indonesia tgl 14-16 Februari 2014.

Ok,back to #euphoriaXtribeca ya. Jadi gue dateng ke acara ini selama 2 hari. Pertama kali dateng itu hari Jum'at, janjian sama temen-temen Fashion Blogger Indonesia untuk ketemu disana. Tapi karena sinyal di Central Park kurang bagus ya (setuju gak?),jadi agak sulit menghubungi mereka :'')

Akhirnya ketemu Valerie & Asa. And then Ines & Nicko. Terus ketemu Mami Lauren (OOTDIndo's owner). And I met Margareta,Lisa,Indy,Michelle,Sartob dan terus akhirnya ketemu semuanyaaaaaa~

Dan gak lengkap rasanya kalau belum foto full outfit bareng-bareng dari ujung kepala ampe kaki bareng mereka

Ok,back to Euphoria Project ya hahahaha. Event ini bisa gue bilang sih seru banget. Boothnya lucu dan kayanya comfy walaupun diluar. Karena disetiap boothnya itu tertutup & ada AC di dalemnya.

Selain ada booth fashion & art tentunya, ternyata di #euphoriaxtribeca ini ada juga food section dimana kalian bisa istirahat setelah keliling buat nyari barang / fashion stuff yg kalian incer.

Tapi ya,kayanya mostly yang belanja disini itu udah tau barang yang mereka mau beli apa like 80% mereka yang dateng itu emang udah punya rencana mau beli apa di event ini setelah liat di website/instagram para tenant. Oiya,yang lebih menarik,selain Food,Fashion & Art, ada juga booth tanaman. Mini cactus gitu,kyeopta!

Lanjut untuk kedua kalinya (hari minggu) dateng ke euphoriaxtribeca ini gue gak janjian ama siapa-siapa tapi berangkat bareng Kak Bintang. Karena Ka Bintang mau ambil foto crowd di Euphoria x Tribeca ini buat project majalah dia (called Backstage). I asked some visitors to get their pictures to be featured on Backstage Magazine. Ada beberapa yang dengan senang hati untuk difoto dan ada satu yang gak mau difoto karena menjaga privasi (but I still respect that tho).

And then I met the man behind this Euphoria Project Mr. Keenan Pearce. Dia udah kaya spotlight gitu. Dimana dia lewat,pasti semua mata tertuju kepadanya with his iconic hat.

Dan gak sengaja ketemu sama Ines with her little brother. Katanya dia balik lagi kesini karena adiknya mau beli sesuatu setelah Ines beli sesuatu itu (bener kan? mostly yang belanja disini udah tau mereka mau beli apa).

Tapi unfortunately,gue ga belanja apa-apa. Karena mau berhemat. Do'akan aku yaa supaya bisa tahan dari godaan belanja online shop~~

Jumat, 19 September 2014

Red Head White Toe

Hey guys! Whaddup..?!

Minggu kemaren abis seru-seruan di acara Euphoria x Tribeca di Central Park Mall, Jakarta. Gue bakalan ngepost cerita selengkapnya di blog, but while waiting. You can check my full outfit while visiting Euphoria Project day 1 here (yep I came to Euphoria Project event 2 times) :

 Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia
Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia
Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia
Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia
 Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia

// Outer Wear : Zippah Jacket by EDJEH //
// Black Eyed Ring : Greedy Sassy //
// Hand Bag : TOMEX (well it's actually a stationary pouch lol)//
// Black Shield Ring : RainbowSpell Shop //
// Pants : UNIQLO //
// Shoes : ADIDAS AdiZero //

Special Thanks to ARDIASA PUTRA who's taking this all great shots. Thanks dude!

Kamis, 11 September 2014

Black White Stripes with Denim Dream

I suggest you to read the previous post about the story behind this pictures: here.

But if you were directed here after in the middle of reading the previous post, so here they are :
Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia
Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia
Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia
Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia
Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia


 // Hat : Black Triangle Spike (modified) Snapback by RAVI AGUSTIANA //
// Shirt : g.u. by UNIQLO //
// Denim Vest : RAVI AGUSTIANA's DIY//
// T-Shirt : LoL //
// Silver Rings : WholeSale Shop //
// Leggo Ring : RAVI AGUSTIANA's DIY //
// Black Shield Ring : RainbowSpell Shop //
// Silver Bracelet : (forget) (lol) (don't judge me) //
// Pants : UNIQLO //
// Shoes : Customized Wingtip Boots by FAIRY BERRY Shoes //


First Week of September

Hey guys!!


I bet most of you (girls mostly, but some boys probably) have ever red Go Girl Magazine. Me too. I know it�s a girl magazine but the way its organized, the template, the things that it talks about, they are really good! I mean we don�t have to judge whether it�s for men or women when it comes to knowledge, right? Ok, enough about the serious talk phew�

So, last week I went to Go Girl Expo 2014 at Senayan City. It started from Thursday to Saturday . It kinda weird since usually that kind of event start from Friday to Sunday. But I heard that the Hall (Senayan City) is usually used for Sunday church.

I went there for three days like (duhh?) but I didn�t do shop much cause most of the stuff were for girls. But I saw one brand which was selling men apparels. Maybe the owner thought that opened a men apparels in here would make the girls who went to Go Girl Expo 2014 would buy stuff for their boyfriend. Since I saw not so many guys around except accompanying his girlfriend.

First day I went to Go Girl Expo with my collage friends after having lunch. Cause our campus is so near to Senayan City. I didn�t see a lot of people there cause it�s still weekday. I only looked for stuff that maybe suitable for me and accompany a friend to buy girl stuff. Ah, the first day of my visit, I met Ka Cecel (author of Generasi 90an book) in her booth. She�s so nice like usual. She sold generasi 90an merchandise such as t-shirt, phone case and also snacks that once very popular in 90�s.
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Second day of Go Girl Expo, I heard that some of blogger friends would go there. Since I had off day of campus, so I went there again. I don�t know but meeting a lot of people or new people makes feel so happy and inspired. It�s addictive for me somehow. I made an appointment with Sonya Thaniya, my little fashion blogger friend that I knew from blogging and we met for a couple events. She is so adorable >.< Check her blog here. But it kinda sad cause we didn�t take a picture together L She said she wants to go home earlier huhuhu.
I also met Valerie and her boy-friend (her friend is a boy or the boy is a friend of her, please ask her for further information xoxox +tell me if you already got the answer thanks lol) named Ardiasa Putra (peace out bro). We walked around to see & buy things. Valerie and I bought a pair of sunglasses. I love the color of it and the shape also (gonna post it soon!). Ah, I forget to tell you that I also made an appointment with Putri Valentina too that day. And we met her at 3-4pm while seeking for a quick photo shoot location. This was the first time I did a photo shoot with blogger friends. So much fun and thrilled. Cause I rarely got photographed by another person :p
The one who photographed us was Ardiasa (call him Asa). That guy is a pro bro! He knew what was a really good position, angle, light exposure, or some photography stuff that I didn�t really know much (but I promise gonna learn it). Check out his amazing shot of me :

(click - RAVI AGUSTIANA - for full details of outfit that I wore)
The girls were kinda struggling with the wind because it�s blowing off their hair. But thank god I was saved by my snapback. Even though the wind didn�t affect the girls swag much. Valerie and Putri were really nailed it. The girls are pro!!! Check out their photos here: VALERIE�S BLOG & PUTRI�S BLOG.
After got photographed one by one, we took pictures together.

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I never thought I would pay a visit the Go Girl Expo for three times. So here was the story. My Saturday were actually would be filled with BA-NA-NA activity full day. Ah, BA-NA-NA is having its 2nd anniversary. Saying happy birthday or wish it good wishes to twitter is still available anyway ^^

We would be playing in Totem the escape room. It was actually a really good place to play, but since the service of it wasn�t really good (bad), Ibu-Ibu kasirnya ngomongnya kurang sopan dan dengan nada tinggi + memandang karena yang main anak2,jadi ya gitu deh (you know what the adults do to the younger people right not all of em sih but mostly). Padahal karyawan yang lain tuh enak banget ramah dan sopan. Apa karena muda-muda ya?
Hahaha sorry about grumbling in Indonesia karena kurang afdol kalau marah2 pake bahasa inggris Hahaha

After playing the games, we gathered for making wishes and potong kue time ^^ The cake shaped Mushroom, Kak Bintang said that the philosophy of the mushroom is hopefully BA-NA-NA would grow spread like a mushroom worldwide (check the amazing cake here ).
Some of us continued our celebration with going to Go Girl Expo. Since we opened BA-NA-NA booth last year and want to know how it feels like to be a customer hahaha.
And suddenly with no plan at all I met Gabriella Olivia *surprised* Because as I knew she couldn�t attend the Go Girl Expo for some reason. But I was really glad to meet her.

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Woah, I�m sorry for this long post. Well, actually banyak part yang di skip karena bakalan panjang ceritanya. Hahaha anyway thank you so much for reading my story. Thanks to Valerie, Putri and also Ardiasa Putra (Maaaaan! I�m so honored!). Last but not least HAPPY BIRTHDAY BA-NA-NA!!!

Jumat, 05 September 2014

MOMO Grand Opening

Hey guys!!

 I'm good and fine + busy with last assignment for college (hopefully it's done this year, amen!)

So, last Thursday I got invited by Kak Bintang to accompany her to MOMO's restaurant Grand Opening. She invited me because she knew that I'm one of the kinda guy who puts effort on Dress Code. Oh yeah, this time was East meet West.

We were kinda late because of the traffic + we didn't know the exact place of it. But we were arrived around 7 pm -ish from 6.30 pm scheduled :p By the time we were arrived, the place had already had a lot of people, so crowded. I saw some celebrities around and media.

We were asked to fill the guest book after that we got a coupon for a cocktail (I guess) and a glowing band. I saw a photo booth in near entrance door, it means PHOTO TIME!! hahaha.. But because there were a lot of people who got in line, so Kak Bintang and I decided to do the photo booth later.

Basically, MOMO has two floors. The first floor is a lounge with bar table and the second one is a what should I call it mmm a room with a room within.. Hahaha the other room is a kinda private room with a see through glass (I guess it's a smoking room). We stayed in second floor because it wasn't very crowdy like we saw in first floor.

We were offered with canape (for those who didn't know /me too tbh/ jadi Canape itu makanan2 kecil yang langsung makan dalam satu/dua suap aja. Waktu itu ada Sushi, Rice with sliced beef, Shrimp Tempura, Satay, and many more yang ga sempet ke foto karena terlalu sibuk makan lol but I guess you can check Ka Bintang's blog later /she took a lot of photos, while I didn't/) Oh ya, they offered us some alcohol & beer but because we don't drink so we only took mineral water.. I tried sparkling water, and  it didn't taste good,ew!

After we ate some canapes, we decided to use our coupon (*drums roll*). It was written 4 choices but we didn't know what exactly those were. But there was interesting drink with a Red Macaroon on the top of it. So I asked the bartender what it was, she said it's What Women Want and then we used the coupons than we wasted it for nothing.

But the funny thing was because we didn't drink alcohol so we just ate the Red Macaroon and threw away the martinis. Adios alcohol :p

After that, I hanged around to take some selfies with guests and tried the photobooth :p

And....in the middle of my journey to take some selfies (lol) someone came and told me that I won the best dress for Men!! Yeay :D :D They said I dressed perfectly well for East meets West theme. Woohoo! A woman asked me that where I came from, was it magazine. And I said I'm just regular guest. She taught that I was from a magazine institution or what but I said I am a beginner fashion blogger.

Explain to Indra about my outfit's concept

This event went very well actually, the opening, the music, the staff were very friendly and they knew exactly how the opening party should be. Even the party was full of people, but the food didn't run out before the event ends :p Thanks to UTTARA (the Event Organization) for the great work, MOMO Restaurant for the place+the foods and Zomato for the invitation. Last but not least huge thanks to Ka Bintang Mahacakrie for asking me to go the Grand Opening of MOMO.

- So what do you think? Did I dress East meets West well?


// Hat : COTTON ON //
// Softlens : Voldemort Xtreme Series by X2 //
// Jacket : RAVI AGUSTIANA's //
// Boots : CHRIS+NOVIA //

Senin, 01 September 2014

Play with Me!

Hey Hey!

I'm back with a throwback :p
do I look younger?

Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia
Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia

Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia

Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia
Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia


// Top : SUR CLUB 1976 Piano Shirt //
// Pants : Zara Basic //
// Shoes : Customized Pink Soled by FAIRY BERRY Shoes //