Selasa, 10 November 2015

Music, Movie & Fashion Collaboration

Whaddup friends..?!

Finally, ELLEN ANG BRIDE has its walk on Jakarta Fashion Week 2016. The designer of ELLEN ANG BRIDE is my fashion blogger friend, Ellen Ang (check her Instagram here : @ellen_ang & @ellenang.bride) who I met at INFARE back in 2014 and finally after a lot of struggle and pain that she got, finally she could have a chance to show her creation through Jakarta Fashion Week 2016.

ELLEN ANG BRIDE is one of the participation on Abinery Ang Atelier show. The show theme itself is a collaboration of Music, Movie and Fashion. Which are my favorites things!

Ellen brought The Hunger Games into Bride Gown by bringing up the atmosphere and theme score of the movie.

Congratulation Ellen for amazing collection and show! Good luck on the next project and more.

#OOTD (Outfit Of That Day) & #SBO (Story Behind the Outfit)  :
credit : okezone

My Outfit that day is inspired by Agnez Mo, Indonesian (International on Process) Singer for mPowering Event in Bali. Well, I found it's quite interesting to see Batik & Jeans combine in one style. What do you think?

The Batik outerwear that I wore is designed by me. Yet the ripped jeans itself is a DIY. Well you can see the details below.

Batik Outerwear : Ravi Agustiana
Long Grey T-shirts : MUZCA
Ripped Jeans : DIY Project by Ravi Agustiana
Shoes : PEDRO
Hand Bag : GRAMEDIA +modified by Ravi Agustiana
Sunglasses : Polette
Bird Cage Necklace : unbranded
Rings : unbranded
Bracelets : unbranded

Captured by (huge thanks!!) MARGARETA VANIA

Senin, 26 Oktober 2015

Selamat #HariBloggerNasional

Hey guys!

Hari ini ternyata #HariBloggerNasional lho! Selain itu juga ternyata kemaren adalah peringatan 2 Tahun gue ngeblog... Wah bangga deh bisa jadi salah satu Blogger Indonesia. Banyak banget pengalaman dan ilmu yang gue dapet dari menjadi Blogger ini lho.

Ok mungkin starting with my reason on writting a blog.

Pertama kali mulai nulis blog itu waktu jaman SMA atau SMP gitu gue udah lupa-lupa inget. Itu juga karena tugas sekolah hahaha! Isinya tentang tugas sekolah yang di publish lewat blog. Tapi pas tahun 2013 itu (pertama mau seriusin blog), akhirnya milih untuk jadi Fashion Blogger atas saran Ka Benakribo. Dapet saran itu karena (duh malu ngomongnya, LOL). Karena mau ketemu lagi sama salah satu Fashion Blogger Indonesia yang SUPERRRR KAWAIII! Gimana enggak coba, with her signature fashion style, high platform shoes and setengah pink and setengah ungu >.<

Nama blog gue pertama kali adalah

178 diambil dari tanggal lahir yaitu 17 Agustus.

Oiya, selain alesan itu, gue bikin blog itu untuk "mancing" nulis, karena pada saat itu, lagi ngerjain Skripsi. So I guess, this would help me a lot on writting my thesis.

Here they are my several #throwback posts :

#DIY Hoodie Project

I miss this shoes :(

Halloween 2013!


Waktu masih jadi header blog gue ini bentuknya :') Inspired by her also.  header

Minggu, 18 Oktober 2015

Maturity / Age?


Just got a new watch, INVICTA from Lazada Blogger�s Gathering.

I think it kinda burst some masculine & mature aura inside, right? LOL!

Anyway, you can get a special PROMO for INVICTA exclusively from Lazada here : .
Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok.

Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok.
Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok.
Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok.

Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok.
Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok.

- details -

Shirts, MAHA (
Jeans, NUDIE
Shoes, Fairy Berry (@fairyberryshoes)

Menurut kalian gimana style gue kali ini? Hmm.. Kinda different from my usual style right?

Gatau kenapa mungkin karena umur (???) Tapi beneran deh, belakangan ini lagi suka something yang simple-simple aja. Tapi bukan berarti bakalan ninggalin style gue yang seperti biasa.
Oiya, I'm going to upload a video on my YOUTUBE channel. Stay tuned!

And don't forget to leave a comment below, let me know your thoughts about this style.

Kamis, 01 Oktober 2015

Enchanced Words of Love

Hey Guys!


I have a question for all the girls who read this post, maybe a question-statement-ish�

Semua cewe pasti pernah bermimpi atau punya cita-cita untuk bisa pake Gaun Pengantin terbaik pada saat pernikahan kalian,right?
source :
Mungkin beberapa dari kalian yang dulu sering nonton kartun Jepang (Sailor Moon atau Wedding Peach *ketauan waktu kecil nonton* LOL) pasti pernah berkhayal... 

�Ah, kapan ya bisa nikah dijemput Pangeran berkuda putih sambil pake Wedding Dress yang super gede berlapis-lapis�

Hmm,itu sih sebenernya khayalan kakak cewek gue waktu kecil dulu asli bukan gue yang pernah ngayal begituan hahaha!

Ok, let�s talk about Wedding Dress

Banyak banget film selain anime, yang ngebahas tentang Wedding Dress.

For example : Wedding Dress (Korean Movie). Film ini bercerita tentang Seorang Ibu Wedding Dress designer, yang pengen banget anaknya kalau gede nanti bakalan pake Baju Pengantin buatan si Ibu. Filmnya haru biru� Asli, really touching *halah*

source :

Ada juga film 27 Dresses. Beda sama film Wedding Dress sebelumnya yang agak mellow, nah yang 27 Dresses ini lebih ke drama-comedy. Tentang seorang cewe yang udah jadi Bridesmaid sampe 27 kali tapi dia sendiri belum nikah-nikah.Kinda sad, but still entertaining tho!
source :
Oiya, ngomongin tentang Pernikahan dan Gaun Pengantin, akhir Agustus lalu, I got invited by Ivan Gunawan to attend his bridal fashion show, WORDS OF LOVE.
Margareta Vania, Putri Valentina and Andrea Hamdan also got invited to this event (checkMargie�s, Putri�s and Dea�s Blog).

These selfies were taken by SAMSUNG Galaxy J5 Built-in Flash Front Camera.

�Mi amore Selfi�
(sok-sok Spanish)

Baca tulisan gue tentang si Built-in Flash Front Camera SAMSUNG Galaxy J5 HERE.

Mungkin ini adalah kali pertamanya gue dateng ke acara Bridal Fashion Show.

Ternyata entertaining juga nonton Bridal Fashion Show. Selain dibuka dengan sedikit Poetry dan di iringin Violin Instrumental  lagu-lagu hits sekarang (Chandelier, and other now-a-day songs). Mungkin untuk ngebuat suasana jadi romantis gitu jadi lighting fashion show ini dibuat agak low gitu. But, I just tried this SAMSUNG GALAXY J5 Enchanced Camera (kamera belakang) yang berkekuatan 13 MP. Gak Cuma 13 MP, this main camera is called Enchanced Camera because it has f 1.9 aperture yang bisa foto momen momen terbaik dalam kondisi cahaya yang minim #tunJukkanmomenmu.

Info lain tentang SAMSUNG Galaxy J5 ini bisa kalian liat dengan click this link below :

Check these photos of the bridal fashion show by using SAMSUNG Galaxy J5 Enchanced Camera.

Puncaknya adalah Wedding Dress which is embroidered by Poetry yang udah dibacain di awal fashion show Words Of Love (taken by using SAMSUNG Galaxy J5 Enchanced Camera).

And we took a picture with Mr. Ivan Gunawanhimself, the designer of the WORDS OF LOVE Bridal Fashion Show.

And surprise! We met our friend,  Ilonk who�s in charge for Backstage documentation coordinator and etc.

As my previous post said, there is a quote :

�When bloggers meet, then we will have a quick-so-called-photoshoot.�

Gosh, I can�t get enough with this Enchanced Camera by SAMSUNG Galaxy J5. Beneran! Biasanya kalo foto diruangan yang agak gelap, apalagi pake kamera HP, itu pasti ga akan keliatan jelas deh fotonya. Tapi karena si Enchanced Camera SAMSUNG Galaxy J5 di lengkapin sama Aperture f 1.9 yang bisa lebih nangkep cahaya lebih maksimal walaupun cahaya ruangan minim, jadi hasil foto yang didapet lebih terang dan jelas. Check these pictures below, and you can see and understand my excitement.

See what I mean right?
Walaupun ruangannya gelap, but the picture that's captured by Enchanced Camera SAMSUNG Galaxy J5 ini masih keliatan terang loh!

Coba deh stalk dan kepoin social media SAMSUNG supaya  dapet info menarik tentang gadget SAMSUNG Galaxy J5 dan lainnya :

Twitter:  @samsung_ID
Instagram:  @samsung_id

After all, I really enjoyed WORDS OF LOVE by Ivan Gunawan. I really want to see another show which is scheduled this October 3rd. But unfortunately I have a job as MC at Prince English Solution at that time. But good luck Sir for Corat Coret Fashion Show.


Selasa, 29 September 2015

Stylist #SVASTIARI for Upcoming Male Singer

Hey guys!

Watchout for this new upcoming male singer, Fali Wiilmer.

In September, 8th I got a chance to be involved in Fali Wiilmer project for his single photoshoot and also music video. Ini adalah pertama kalinya gue ikut terlibat dalam sebuah photoshoot. Dari mulai konsep fashionnya, image yang mau ditampilkan, hair style dan juga mood board. Sebelumnya, dari #svastiari, I got a job to seek and choose clothes which are going to be worn by Marcell Siahaan yg sebelumnya harus dapet approvaldari Kak Bella (Marcell�s Fashion Stylist) dan juga Kak Ajeng @svastiari.

Ok, back to Fali Wiilmer. He started his career as an artist since he was a kid. And now he is back with new image, new sounds, and new visual.

Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok, Fashion Stylist
Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok, Fashion Stylist
The photo shoot and music video shooting started from 11am till 11pm I guess
We made four looks for Fali Wiilmer.
Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok, Fashion Stylist
Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok, Fashion Stylist
Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok, Fashion Stylist
Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok, Fashion Stylist

And check behind the scene photos after the jump!
Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok, Fashion Stylist

Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok, Fashion Stylist
Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok, Fashion Stylist
Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok, Fashion Stylist
Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok, Fashion Stylist

The Team
Photographer                               : Roni Bachroni & The One Photography
MUA                                            : Yati Masamba
Wardrobe & Fashion Stylist       : Bella Gabriella & Ravi Agustiana (#svastiari)

Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok, Fashion Stylist
Team Up for #SVASTIARI

Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok, Fashion Stylist

Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok, Fashion Stylist

Indonesia Fashion Blogger, Fashion Blogger Cowo Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Pria Indonesia, Fashion Blogger Cowok, Fashion Stylist