Sabtu, 30 November 2013


Hello Fellow UNIQLO :p

What's up??
I hope you all are fine, cause the weather is crazy like a roller coaster! One time it's raining,then suddenly it's sunny out there.. Please take care, ok?

Last friday (November 29th), I was invited to come to UNIQLO Second Store Grand Opening at Mall Taman Anggrek.. The event started from 9am untill 10.30am (the ceremony) and the rest of it was SHOPPING!

The thing that I love the most from Uniqlo is the Price.. They offer not-so-expensive stuff but still get their best quality of products.. And of course because of the event, UNIQLO offers you special prices for selected items starting from IDR 49.000,- (more info click HERE)
The place here at Mall Taman Anggrek is very comfortable.. The crews were being so polite, nice and very kind to all customers..

here they are some pictures that I've taken from the event....
(PS : read more to find out how to get the UNIQLO bag for FREE)

Antrian Pengunjung yang ingin berbelanja ^^
What makes us being so eager for shopping (SPECIAL PRICE!!!)
We were getting READY for the Opening Ceremony

UNIQLO Crew yang super baik dan ramah udah siap-siap nih ^^
Host sedang menjelaskan tentang acara yang akan segera dimulai
 "Pertama kali saya ke Jakarta, saya langsung jatuh cinta dengan Mall Taman Anggrek" -UNIQLO
Perwakilan dari Mall Taman Anggrek memberikan kata sambutan
Pemotongan Pita, simbolis atas dibukanya UNIQLO di Mall Taman Anggrek

Acara kemaren seru banget.. Bisa jadi salah satu dari beberapa orang yang diundang untuk ikutan dateng ke Grand Opening of UNIQLO Second Store at Mall Taman Anggrek was very great! LOVE!

As I promised, I will tell you how to get the UNIQLO Limited Edition (Blue, Mall Taman Anggrek edition) for FREE. It is by spending IDR 500k in UNIQLO then you will get this iconic tote bag instantly for FREE..
For further information about the Promo, please click this and you will get directly access to The Official Page of UNIQLO..

And last but not least, I do really suggest you to come and visit UNIQLO Store in Mall Taman Anggrek like now because they are having this SPECIAL PRICE promo for two weeks only from the Opening date (which is gonna end around December 11st-12nd)


The reason that I choose this outfit that day because when UNIQLO was having the Grand Opening event, I was going to go to Ardina B'day party at Nom-Nom-Nom Cafe too and the dresscode of the party was FLOWER POWER..
THEME : Flower Power
Batik Cirebon shirts // Istanbul Flowery tshirts // Jeans by Nevada // GAGA ARTPOP fatwristband by JAKARTA WRISTBAND // Rocksmith Snapback // Customized boots


TV Production's Lecture assigment (The Music Video)

Hello Fellows :))

Been a long time, right..

There are so many assignments that I should do recently..

One of em is this one.. Maybe some of you have already red my post about Behind The Scene of it from HERE, but for those who haven't,let me tell you a lil bit.. Jadi tugas Produksi TV ini dikerjain secara kelompok untuk membuat Music Video lipsync dari lagu yamg sudah ada sebelumnya..Tempat pembuatannya juga di kampus (mini studio)..
Alhamdulillah, berkat kerja sama team yg cukup kompak, hasil Music Video ini gak mengecewakan ^^

Mau liat kaya gimana Video tugas kelompok ini? Klik read more ya!

What do you think of it?
I hope you all can enjoy it both the music and the video..


Rabu, 13 November 2013

berawal dari Toko Bangunan dan sebuah keinginan...

Hello Fellows...

Apa kabar?

Jadi ceritanya gini, dari dulu gue pengen banget punya kalung dengan tulisan inisial nama (which is R) tapi entah kenapa sampe sekarang gak pernah nemu... Entah itu yang ada bukan huruf R, kalungnya terlalu heboh, dan alesan lainnya (termasuk keuangan lol) yang ngebuat sampe detik ini gue belum punya kalung dengan huruf inisial...

Kalung yang gue maksud ini bukan kalung dengan liontin kecil berhurufkan R loh ya, tapi semacem kalung hip-hop bling bling (which was a must-have-item around 2000) yang biasanya dengan tulisan $ (money)..

Sampe akhirnya keinginan masa lalu untuk punya kalung inisial R ini muncul dan bangkit kembali pada saat gue ikut keluarga sepupu ke Toko Bangunan... Yep... Jangan kaget dan heran... Kalung yang gue buat bukan berbahan dasar semen, batu bata, ataupun genteng... But I found this R piece in the Door Material Section...

I bought the background of this picture for next DIY

My cousin asked me "what are you going to do with that thing?". Then I replied "I'm going to make a Necklace from it".......

See the process of making it happen below...

Because it's 2013, therefore I wanna make it less bling-bling but still eye catchy.. I don't wanna look too glamor but simply and classy.. So I choose a rope than a gold chain as the necklace and the spike-stud as the diamond bling substitute.. And of course in order to make it I need the magic thing called HOT GLUE GUN!

 Greeting, let me introduce you and please say Hi to my new initial R necklace.....

You can also make your own initial necklace guys... Hehehe :)) But don't make it too bling-bling because we wanna still look cool, right? Feel free if you wanna ask me anything in comment section below..


Selasa, 12 November 2013


Hello Fellows...

I'm back with my little monster side *horns out* *the cute one* *lol*

Middle West (including LOVELY INDONESIA) version

Did you notice something different?? No?? Well let me show you the other picture of it...


Hahahhahaha!! Yasss.... Gaga's legs are transformed into black.. It looks like Gaga is wearing a black legging... and another difference is The Koons (blue) Ball is bigger in the Middle East album cover...
Well, Gaga is not the only victim of this "Censored Album Cover"... You can check out the rest here...


Even the LEGENDARY Nirvana Cover...

Enough about the hilarious part... I wanna write my experience listening this whole ARTPOP album, starting with the most enjoyable song for me :
1. Aura
Enigma popstar is fun, she wear burqa for fashion
It's not a statement as much as just a move of passion

She's not Gaga if she's not the controversy. Lagu ini sedikit menyisipkan kata burqa atau biasa dikenal dengan cadar dalam bahasa Indonesia. Gaga menggunakan kata Burqa sebagai pengganti dari proteksi (penutup Aurat) dari kaum wanita. Mmm.. Sedikit aja tentang isi lagu ini, takut diserang FPI lol..
Oh yeah a little information, Aura is taking a sample of Infected Mushroom beat..

2. G.U.Y.
Touch me, touch me, don't be sweet
Love me, love me, please retreat
Let me be the girl under you that makes you cry

Zedd is the man behind this sick beat of G.U.Y. It takes me to another level of GaGa's music (above)... Very catchy Pre-Chorus is the power of this song which has been posted by GAGA in her youtube page...

3. Gypsy
Latin American, I don't speak German but I try
Someday in Jakarta, I'm
American, I'm gypsy I

Lagu Gypsy ini bercerita tentang GAGA yg sering berkeliling dunia dalam konser Born This Way.. About how attached she feels with stage and her fans (little monster).. Dan kenangan yg dia alami selama BTW Ball berlangsung termasuk tentang JAKARTA :) I love the live version, because the accoustic one really touched my heart (especially Jakarta part)

When you touch me I die
Just a little inside
I wonder if this could be love
This could be love

This the first song that Gaga produced herself (the lyrics, the beat and everything).. And yeah this one is worth of listen song of ARTPOP.

5. Applause
6. Do What U Want feat R. Kelly
7. Donatella
8. Mary Jane Holland
9. Sexxx Dream
10. Fashion!
11. Jewels & Drugs feat T.I Too $hort and Twista
14. Swine
15. Dope
*I'm sorry Gaga, but the lyrics change, and the techno beat ruins everything I love I wanna be with more than Dope :(

So, have you heard ARTPOP yet? Feel FREE to download it on iTunes or Buy the physical CD (with black legging lol) on store! :)
Maybe you can write your favorite songs of ARTPOP on the comments section bellow..


what happened before #ngeblogyuk event....

Hello Fellows...

Let me introduce you to some of my campus' mate... They are Bagas (the Photographer), Yuka and Akbar.. We were having fun at a Park which located in Bintaro... It was my first time visiting Menteng Bintaro park...

we are having different pose are'nt we?
Maybe for some of you asking, what is the purpose of having this kind-of-photoshoot? Well.. As I said before, kita cuma seneng-seneng... Ngisi waktu lain dan juga sekalian narsis lol..

More photos by Bagas Anggoro (you can check his twitter HERE)

Tri Yuka Dimas P

The most extravaganza boy at campus... He is one of the popular students at Campus... He has already been working (a photo-session) with Bagas like for 3-4 times... while this time is my first one :)

Thank you so much guys for having me that day!! It was really FUN thing to do.. Looking forward for the next Photo Session...


PS: you can check my outfit details at #ngeblogyuk post

Jumat, 08 November 2013


Hello Fellows...

Maybe for some people who followed me on twitter or instagram were questioning what kind of Music Video that I was making that day...

Well, actually that #BEHINDTHESCENE photos that I posted yesterday are REAL.. was for my class assignment..


Jadi, tugas ini adalah tugas permatakuliahan Produksi Siaran TV sebelum UTS, tapi karena beberapa anggota kelompok yg suka kebentrok jadwalnya (including me), jadi baru bisa shooting untuk bikin tugas ini kemarin..

It was really exciting yet tiring.. hahaha! Ganti kostum sampe 4 kali, ngafalin lagu + script.. But I really enjoyed every single things that I did.. Because finally I had an experience being an Actor or a Singer who really did a shoot for MusicVideo in a real TV studio..

Suddenly there were few people who thought that I was making my own Music Video for my Single..
Does it seem legit for a class assigment or...??? You are the one who decide...

But I would say AMIN YA RABBAL ALAMIN for those who said that :)
Cause someday, I do really want my dream for being a Famous Person comes TRUE!
Gonna post the Music Video of my class team assignment soon!


Kamis, 07 November 2013

#ngeblogyuk Bareng Benakribo (...the continuation)

Hello Fellows...

As I promised you from the previous post, I'm going to share the captured moments from #ngeblogyuk Bareng Benakribo hari Selasa tgl 5 November kemaren..

Sedikit tentang #ngeblogyuk itu acara iseng yang diadain sama kak Benakribo utk kumpul bareng blogger-blogger di Jakarta.. Blogger-blogger yg hadir ini sebelumnya udah kirim data mereka via e-mail. Setelah itu dipilih beberapa Blogger yg memang memiliki passion dan menjiwai (halah) Blog mereka masing-masing..

Acara ini diadain di salah satu Coffe Shop di Mall Jakarta Pusat.. Tempat ini dipilih kareng tempat yg paling strategis, karena berlokasi di jalan besar Jakarta.. (can you guess where it is? kecuali Blogger yg dateng dan ada di gambar disamping ya..)

Well, you better read more for the rest story...

We were having so much fun and joy, because not only talking about BLOG but we also played some games (well I didn't because I'm the host atm).. Permainannya ngambil inspirasi dari permainan Head-Up atau yg di Indonesia lebih dikenal dengan sebutan Eat Bulaga (itu lohhh.. IYA IYA!!! TIDAK TIDAK!! lol).. Tapi kali ini Temanya itu lebih disesuaiin sama acara kali ini, yaitu INTERNET & BLOG..

playing Head Up games
Permainan Head Up itu pada dasarnya sama aja kaya permainan Indonesia Pintar.. and I, as the host, had to write a secret word (which is related into whether Blog or Internet).. We split the bloggers into 2 teams (team 1 : Kak Bena, Kak Vendry, Natasha & Tiwi // team 2 : Kevin, Ucup, Kak Pingkan, & Sabila)..

Salah satu orang duduk di depan untuk menebak the secret word, while the rest of the team were trying to give some clues (but not the exact secret word) to the sitting in the front person.. Anehnya, Tema jawaban permainannya kan tentang Internet dan Blog yaaa, tapi para Blogger ini  hanya sedikit (1 jawaban dari 4 pertanyaan) yang bisa menyelesaikan pemainan ini.. *sigh* lol
 P.S : the answers are on the below of the photo post

and here the captured moments when #ngeblogyuk...

 Photos #ngeblogyuk Credit : Benakribo

Head Up Games Answer
INTERNET Theme : History, Domain
BLOG Theme : Draft, Comment
MEALS Theme : Bika Ambon, Chicken Katsu
DRINKS Theme : Jamu Beras Kencur, Es Kopyor
 they are all pretty to guess, right??? lol


Giyongchy Leather Caps (Online Shop)

Unbranded Fannel Shirts // Dead Seventies Jacket // Eustacia&Co Belt as Gold Chain Necklace
Customized Boots (it's 3 years old age baby..)

*thanks Kak Bena for taking the pictures

 Gaga wears Flannel Shirt recently for promoting DOPE.. So yeah, for #BEHINDTHELOOK that day is...
