Selasa, 05 November 2013

#ngeblogyuk barengan Benakribo (to be continued...)

Hello Fellows....

Wah, it has been 4 days since the last time I posted a story in my blog...
Rasanya ada yg aneh sekarang kalo gak cerita di blog..

Well, anyway..
Hari ini gue abis ikutan kumpul bareng temen-temen blogger Jakarta di acara #ngeblogyuk by Benakribo.. Sebenernya sih acara santai gitu, just hanging out and having a talk about blogging.. Selain kak Bena, dateng juga temen-temen blogger lain :

@ Kak Vendryana (moinblog's) which is blogging about food and cooking P.S I joined her in the making of #MOINHALLOWEEN
@ Kevin Anggara (kevinaggara's blog) he is the author of Student Guidebook for Dummies (which is now available in bookstores)
@ Kak Pingkan Permatasari : she loves drawing, one of nebengers and you can check her artwork here  
@ Kak Ucup : the fire starter.. Hahahaha adore at the way he pulled someone to speak their mind (his blog)
@ Tiwi : the poet... Ya, dia suka banget nulis sastra Indonesia (horeee pelestarian budaya Indonesia) karena sesuai dgn jurusan mata kuliah yang dia ambil :) check her blog here 
@ Natasha : she is one of iwearbanana's Brand Ambassador. Well she doesn't have a blog anymore (she had closed it), but she is still in the process of making her book about how to inspire youth :) Do'ain semoga bukunya cepet kelar ya...
@ the last is Nikmatun.. Because  she came  late, so I didn't have an enough time to interview her.. :(

Acaranya seru banget, bisa sharing pengalaman tentang ngeblog dari pandangan orang yang berbeda & punya passion yg berbeda juga di tulisan blognya..
I learned a lot of things about blogging (generally) from this event based on their true experience..

would love to share captured moments from #ngeblogyuk but unfortunately I haven't accept the photos yet.. 
so this post is going to be continued...


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