Whaddup friends..?!
First of all I wanna say congratulations to my fashion blogger fella Valerie Samantha who has finally opened her shop,Wondaland in La Codefin, Kemang. A new place where you can buy unique and limited items
So, I went to Wondaland along with some of blogger friends. Disana emang udah janjian sama mereka untuk ketemu dan sekalian mau kenalan sama GG Plaaastic. She is a fashion blogger from Vietnam but she lives in Singapore (I guess, because she speaks English with Singapore accent. LOL)
Disana janjian sama Ines dan pastinya sama si owner Wondaland : Valerie. Tiba2, my inspiration blogger, Gabriella Olivia also showed up to Wondaland (yipiiii!) I�m so happy that I could meet her again, because it�s been a while since I met her (sampe lupa kapan terakhir ketemu dia).
Finally I met GG and also all blogger friends there! She is super nice and kind. Beyond talented. She is actually a pro handy with Camera. I love her aura.
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taken with SAMSUNG Galaxy J5 Front Flash Camera |
Check my photos with GG and my Super Squad here :
Abis ngobrol dan foto bareng, GG harus hunting foto di Iconic Kemang for her upcoming project. So we (Ines & Gaby) decided to look around the Iconic. Ternyata Iconic Kemang (where the Wondaland is) belum 100% jadi. But the rawness from this place makes it unique, and can�t hold us to take some pictures here.
Taken by Gabriella Olivia
After took some photos with camera, I looked it up from my Samsung Galaxy J5. The pictures that had been showed through Samsung Galaxy J5 display is very sharp. Warna fotonya jadi lebih tajem terus gak pecah gitu. Karena as we know, sometimes foto yang kita ambil sama keadaan aslinya itu beda. Maybe pictures can show and tell you better
See? Foto diatas tanpa retouch loh. Want a prove? ask me to take picture with you when we met. I will show you how magical Super Amoled screen in SAMSUNG Galaxy J5.
Oiya, sedikit info tentang apa sih Super Amoled itu? AMOLED sendiri adalah singkatan dari Active Matrix Organic Light Emitting, sedangkan Super Amoled adalah layar AMOLED yang udah di sempurnain sama SAMSUNG. Singkatan dari si Super Amoled ini adalah sAMOLED. Layar sAMOLED ini yang ngebuat SAMSUNG Galaxy J5 projects a sharper images, and bright colors.
So, no wonders it makes us know the real color of the real images that we took. Oiya, salah satu Kelebihan lain dari sAMOLED ini sendiri adalah hemat 20% dalam pemakaian daya battery. Jadi ga perlu takut boros batre walaupun layar SAMSUNG Galaxy J5 ini nampilin foto atau video yang lebih tajem #tunJukkanmomenmu.
Dan masih banyak lagi yang bisa kalian dapetin dari SAMSUNG Galaxy J5.
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